Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Biosil for Thinning Hair


I can honestly confirm that it is NO fun getting old. My skin is blotchy, my hair is thinning, my face is falling, not to mention the rest of me. I am finding lumps and bumps where I didn't know could exist! However, I am beginning to fight back! I am going to the gym more regularly now (it does help), I've been hitting the dermatologist a lot, and I've found an amazing product for thinning hair, it's called Biosil. This product is nothing short of a miracle. My hair stylist recommended that I take this product, and I finally got around to buying it early this year, and OMG! I almost stopped taking the drops early on because the taste is so gawd awful, but if you mix it with juice, it's bearable. It took about 4 months to actually see results, and results I did see! One day, I was looking in the mirror and I had like a bunch of little clumps of hair sticking up (I was beginning to look like a rooster), and I am like..."what the hell?" So I went to my stylist and she said, "that is all new growth," and I am like..."what?!" And it's true. My hair has gotten so much thicker and shinier. A small bottle of Biosil liquid runs about $20-$25, but it will last 30-60 days, depending on how many people are using it, or how many drops you take. The directions are for 6 drops daily, but I've doubled it. Not sure if it helps extra 6 drops makes a difference, but overall, I am very happy with this product. :)


It's Tuesday morning, and I am at the office trying to wake up. I am sooo tired. It has been a long, albeit fun, Christmas holiday weekend, and now comes New Year's, which will be a bit more relaxing, I hope. My plan for New Year's Eve is to go out to dinner with the family, and then wait for the New Year at home sweet home. The Champagne is cooling in the wine frig, and the grapes have been bought. You ask what is the significance of grapes? Well, Spanish people have a tradition of welcoming the New Year by eating 12 grapes, one for each new month of the coming year for health, well-being and good fortune. I think familial traditions are important to keep, because it keeps one grounded of who we are and where we came from. Personally, I love keeping both my Cuban and Spanish traditions…Cuban on mother's side, and Spanish on my dad's. I think some immigrants come to this country and sadly do either of two things: completely reject the old traditions of their country, or embrace them exclusively. As a Cuban American, I am proud to say that I keep the traditions of my beloved adopted country (the USA), but I also continue to embrace the traditions of my ancestors. It's both fun and grounding. :)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Janet Napolitano Is A Fool!

Janet Napolitano's (our Homeland Security Secretary) remark that "the system worked” after Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab's failed attempt to bring down the Delta jet over Detroit, is completely laughable. What, our new anti-terror system is to get young Dutch men to jump on suicide bombers on fire? Janet please, for the safety of all Americans, please turn in your resignation quick, fast and in a hurry! Backtracking on your statement just shows how truly incompetent you are. Janet, these are not “man-caused” disasters... it is, repeat after me, "t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m." The attach link/video is extremely graphic. These are the people we are dealing with. Being nice to them is not going to change their mindset. http://www.truthtube.tv/play.php?vid=2495

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

I had a wonderful time during my Christmas Holiday. My daughter and I made the traditional Cuban Christmas eve dinner consisting of roasted pork, black beans, rice, fried plantains and lots o' Sangria. It's very good, but it is traditionally a "peasant" food. By peasant food I mean, that it is the food that is usually eaten by what Cubans term "Guajiros" or farmers, which are from the
country-side or mountains, and are the backbone of Cuba's tobacco and sugar cane crop harvest. As we all know, Cuba is an island, and thus seafood is the main staple of many Cubans since Cuba is a long, narrow island, and many of its main cities are near the ocean, making seafood the main diet of many Cubans (with the exception, of course, of the Guajiros who live inland and raise pigs and chicken as their main staple food). Peasant food or not, our Christmas eve meal left us all pretty satiated. As for gifts, my family and I don't exchange gifts in the traditional way. In fact, we don't even keep presents under our xmas tree (well, at least not since my daughter stopped believing in Santa Claus). What we do is we use the month of December to figure out what we want, and then we either get it before Christmas or after, or we plan a trip. For instance, my daughter wants to go to culinary school since someday she hopes to be a chef (and she does have the talent), so for Christmas she asked for a large Le Creuset Dutch Oven (a cast iron pot), so next week we are going out and buy one (those suckers are expensive...they run over $200). As for my husband and me, our Xmas present is planning a short, romantic vacation in the next few weeks (by short, I mean a long weekend somewhere fun, and Xmas gifts never include our yearly vacation, which will be going back to Spain and Italy this coming Spring). I know we are not traditional in many ways, but this is the way we celebrate our Christmas (plus my husband is Jewish anyway, so it works for him). Seriously, I can hardly plan Christmas due to my busy schedule, image if I had to plan for eight Hanukkah presents. Oy vey! :/